Travel Insurance FAQs

I’m traveling abroad for a year but will be returning to Israel before Pesach for a short visit. Is that OK?

It’s fine, but you’ll need two policies, as the first one will automatically end the moment you return to Israel before Pesach!
Contact us once you book your tickets.

What if my credit card company provides me with free travel insurance, can I rely on it?

Check the coverage they are giving you very carefully, as some offer policies with inadequate coverage limits. A policy that limits the daily amount for a hospital vist to $2000, for example, will not suffice if one needs (G-d forbid) intensive care that costs from $5,000 - $15,000 per day. Also, keep in mind that whatever coverage the credit card company gives, it is for the creditcard holder only, and not members of his family

Should I buy travel insurance through the Kupat Cholim or my travel agent?

Beware, for the people selling them, with all their good intentions, are not trained insurance people. Travel policies are detailed contracts with lots of “fine print”, and it is always smarter to purchase an insurance policy from someone whose business is insurance.

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